I still cant believe that I just recently completed my 6th year at Red Hat as a Software Engineer.
It was on 18th January 2016, 6 years ago, that I joined Red Hat as a software engineer, after a short 5 month stint as a system adminstrator. During this period, I learnt a lot of stuff from people all around me, both from the Kubernetes Community, as well as people at Red hat.
If I were to sit down and list all of them, it would be a long list indeed. Also, I am afraid I will miss someone. So I will do the right thing and not list anyone. Instead, I am going to broadcast a big thank you to everyone who taught me something. You guys know who you are.
I have grown as a person as well as an engineer in all these years and would love to give back to the communities that gave me the chances. From Fedora, to CentOS to Kubernetes and Openshift. I know family and sickness has pulled me away but I am looking forward to giving back. To pass on what I have learnt, back into the cycle and I will do that as soon as I am able. That is a promise….